BadgeGen GeoCoin - Now Available!

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BadgeGen by ky.m.guy - view ranges (support) + home page badges
The Traditional Cacher (awarded for finding Traditional caches)

Bronze (400)

Silver (1000)

Gold (2000)

Platinum (3000)

Ruby (5000)

Sapphire (7000)

Emerald (10000)

Diamond (15000+)
The Multi Cacher (awarded for finding Multi caches)

Bronze (50)

Silver (100)

Gold (200)

Platinum (300)

Ruby (500)

Sapphire (800)

Emerald (1200)

Diamond (1800+)
The Mysterious Cacher (awarded for finding Mystery/Unknown caches)

Bronze (50)

Silver (100)

Gold (200)

Platinum (300)

Ruby (500)

Sapphire (800)

Emerald (1200)

Diamond (1800+)
The Virtual Cacher (awarded for finding Virtual caches)

Bronze (5)

Silver (10)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (180+)
The Earth Cacher (awarded for finding Earthcaches)

Bronze (5)

Silver (10)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (180+)
The Letterboxer (awarded for finding Letterbox caches)

Bronze (5)

Silver (6)

Gold (7)

Platinum (8)

Ruby (10)

Sapphire (15)

Emerald (25)

Diamond (50+)
The Wherigo Cacher (awarded for finding Wherigo caches)

Bronze (2)

Silver (3)

Gold (5)

Platinum (10)

Ruby (15)

Sapphire (25)

Emerald (40)

Diamond (60+)
The Mega Social Cacher (awarded for attending Mega Event caches)

Bronze (1)

Silver (2)

Gold (3)

Platinum (4)

Ruby (5)

Sapphire (6)

Emerald (7)

Diamond (8+)
The Social Cacher (awarded for attending Event caches)

Bronze (5)

Silver (10)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (180+)
The Environmental Cacher (awarded for attending CITO Event caches)

Bronze (2)

Silver (3)

Gold (4)

Platinum (5)

Ruby (6)

Sapphire (8)

Emerald (10)

Diamond (12+)
The Lost & Found Cacher (awarded for attending Lost & Found Ten Year! Event caches)

Bronze (1)

Silver (2)

Gold (3)

Platinum (4)

Ruby (5)

Sapphire (6)

Emerald (7)

Diamond (8)
The Benchmarker (awarded for finding benchmarks)

Bronze (15)

Silver (20)

Gold (30)

Platinum (50)

Ruby (80)

Sapphire (120)

Emerald (180)

Diamond (250+)
The Waymarker (awarded for visiting Waymarks)

Bronze (20)

Silver (30)

Gold (50)

Platinum (80)

Ruby (120)

Sapphire (180)

Emerald (250)

Diamond (350+)
The Photogenic Cacher (awarded for finding Webcam caches)

Bronze (2-2)

Silver (3-5)

Gold (6-9)

Platinum (10-19)

Ruby (20-29)

Sapphire (30-59)

Emerald (60-99)

Diamond (100+)
The Ape Cacher (awarded for finding Project A.P.E. caches)

Bronze (1)



Platinum (2)




Diamond (3+)
The Micro Cacher (awarded for finding micro size caches)

Bronze (200)

Silver (300)

Gold (500)

Platinum (800)

Ruby (1200)

Sapphire (1800)

Emerald (3000)

Diamond (4500+)
The Small Cacher (awarded for finding small size caches)

Bronze (150)

Silver (200)

Gold (300)

Platinum (500)

Ruby (800)

Sapphire (1200)

Emerald (1800)

Diamond (3000+)
The Regular Cacher (awarded for finding regular size caches)

Bronze (100)

Silver (150)

Gold (200)

Platinum (300)

Ruby (500)

Sapphire (800)

Emerald (1200)

Diamond (2000+)
The Large Cacher (awarded for finding large size caches)

Bronze (3)

Silver (10)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (180+)
The Adventurous Cacher (awarded for finding caches with a 5/5 Difficulty/Terrain rating)

Bronze (1)

Silver (2)

Gold (3)

Platinum (5)

Ruby (8)

Sapphire (12)

Emerald (18)

Diamond (30+)
The Brainiac (awarded to anybody who has found 2 or more Difficulty 5 caches)

Bronze (2)

Silver (4)

Gold (6)

Platinum (9)

Ruby (15)

Sapphire (25)

Emerald (40)

Diamond (60+)
The Rugged Cacher (awarded to anybody who has found 5 or more Terrain 5 caches)

Bronze (5)

Silver (10)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (180+)
The FTF Addict (awarded for being First-to-Find)

Bronze (15)

Silver (20)

Gold (30)

Platinum (50)

Ruby (80)

Sapphire (120)

Emerald (180)

Diamond (300+)
The Author (awarded based on average found log word count)

Bronze (30-39)

Silver (40-49)

Gold (50-59)

Platinum (60-69)

Ruby (70-79)

Sapphire (80-89)

Emerald (90-99)

Diamond (100+)
The Shutterbug (awarded for the total number of photos uploaded to your found logs)

Bronze (50)

Silver (75)

Gold (150)

Platinum (250)

Ruby (500)

Sapphire (750)

Emerald (1500)

Diamond (2500)
The Travelling Cacher (awarded for finding caches in different countries)

Bronze (2)

Silver (3)

Gold (5)

Platinum (8)

Ruby (12)

Sapphire (18)

Emerald (25)

Diamond (35+)
The Cache Owner (awarded for hiding caches)

Bronze (10)

Silver (15)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (200+)
The Favourite Cacher (awarded for the total number of favourite points that you have on a cache)

Bronze (25)

Silver (40)

Gold (60)

Platinum (90)

Ruby (150)

Sapphire (210)

Emerald (320)

Diamond (500)
Head-In-The-Clouds Award (awarded for finding a cache at high elevations)

Bronze (500m)

Silver (1000m)

Gold (1500m)

Platinum (2000m)

Ruby (2500m)

Sapphire (3000m)

Emerald (3500m)

Diamond (4500m+)
The Head-In-The-Gound Award (awarded for finding a cache at low elevations)

Bronze (-1 m - -49 m)

Silver (-50 m - -99 m)

Gold (-100 m - -149 m)

Platinum (-150 m - -199 m)

Ruby (-200 m - -249 m)

Sapphire (-250 m - -299 m)

Emerald (-300 m - -399 m)

Diamond (-400 m+)
The Busy Cacher (awarded for finding many caches on a single date)

Bronze (20)

Silver (30)

Gold (50)

Platinum (80)

Ruby (120)

Sapphire (180)

Emerald (270)

Diamond (400+)
The Daily Cacher (awarded based on the maximum number of consecutive days with a find)

Bronze (7)
[1 week]

Silver (14)
[2 weeks]

Gold (30)
[1 month]

Platinum (60)
[2 months]

Ruby (122)
[4 months]

Sapphire (183)
[6 months]

Emerald (274)
[9 months]

Diamond (365+)
[1 year]
The Calendar Cacher (awarded for finding caches on different calendar days)

Bronze (100)

Silver (150)

Gold (200)

Platinum (250)

Ruby (300)

Sapphire (350)

Emerald (365)

Diamond (366)
The Caching Veteran

Bronze (3)

Silver (4)

Gold (6)

Platinum (8)

Ruby (10)

Sapphire (14)

Emerald (17)

Diamond (20)
The Scuba-Cacher (awarded for finding caches underwater)

Bronze (1)

Silver (2)

Gold (3)

Platinum (4)

Ruby (5)

Sapphire (6)

Emerald (7)

Diamond (10+)
The Night-Owl

Bronze (4)

Silver (10)

Gold (20)

Platinum (30)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (80)

Emerald (120)

Diamond (180)
The Event Host (awarded for hosting any type of event caches)

Bronze (1)

Silver (2)

Gold (3)

Platinum (5)

Ruby (8)

Sapphire (12)

Emerald (18)

Diamond (30+)
The Geocacher (awarded based on total find count)

Bronze (500)

Silver (1000)

Gold (2000)

Platinum (3000)

Ruby (5000)

Sapphire (8000)

Emerald (12000)

Diamond (18000+)
The Long-Distance Cacher (awarded for finding a cache far from home)

Bronze (1000km)

Silver (1200km)

Gold (1500km)

Platinum (2000km)

Ruby (2900km)

Sapphire (4200km)

Emerald (6400km)

Diamond (10000km+)
The Matrix Cacher (awarded based on completion of the 81 D/T rating combination matrix)

Bronze (20)

Silver (25)

Gold (30)

Platinum (40)

Ruby (50)

Sapphire (60)

Emerald (80)

Diamond (81)
The Travel Bug (awarded for moving/discovering TravelBugs)

Bronze (50)

Silver (100)

Gold (200)

Platinum (300)

Ruby (500)

Sapphire (800)

Emerald (1200)

Diamond (1800+)
[note: VM1CCW is a valid tracking number...feel free to discover it]
The Coin Collector (awarded for moving/discovering Geocoins)

Bronze (75)

Silver (100)

Gold (200)

Platinum (300)

Ruby (500)

Sapphire (800)

Emerald (1200)

Diamond (1800+)
State Badges (awarded for finding caches in a percentage of states in various country)

Bronze (10,15)

Silver (15,20)

Gold (20,30)

Platinum (30,40)

Ruby (40,50)

Sapphire (50,75)

Emerald (75,100)

Diamond (100)

Geocaching Belt Qualifications By Löjan
There are 36 possible belts. Points are awarded based on various criteria (listed below).
  • If you have less than 30 points, you will receive the White belt.
  • At 30 points, a Yellow belt will be awarded.
  • Every ten/twelve* points after that will give you an extra stripe on your belt.
  • After 4 stripes**, you will be awarded a new colour belt.
  • At 400 points, the Golden Black Belt (the highest ranking) is awarded.
* after 220 points, 12 points are required per level
** with the exception of the black belt

points are awarded based on the following conditions (may be changed and altered at some point).
  • One point per 100 caches found.
  • 2 points per event hosted, maximum of 30 points
  • 30 points for completing the Difficulty/Terrain matrix
  • 20 points for either finding caches in 15 distinct states or 5 distinct countries. 40 points are not awarded if both conditions are satisfied.
  • 10 points per 50 caches found on day with most finds, maximum of 40 points
  • 0.5 points per 7 consecutive days with finds in largest streak. 10 point bonus at 366 days
  • 0.1 points per favorite point on owned caches
  • 2 points per distinct cache type on day with most distinct types found
  • 2 points per distinct cache type hidden
  • 2 points per disctinct cache size hidden
  • 0.5 points per FTF, maximum of 30 points
  • 1 point per 5/5 Difficulty/Terrain cache found, maximum 5 points
  • 1 point per gemstone badge (excluding country badges)
  • 2 points for every year since your first cache find
  • 0.08 points per calendar day cached on. No points awarded if distinct days is less than 100. The year is negligible.
  • 0.05 points per trackable moved/discovered (maximum 25 points)
  • 0.1 points per photo uploaded to found logs (maximum 25 points)
All Available Belts:






BadgeGen calculates all points to two decimal points.
Values above can be assumed to be exact (ie: 292=292.00)
A point total equal to an upper bound will result in the higher level belt (for example, if you have 292.00 points, you will receive a black belt - not a brown belt).

The Golden Black-Belt is only awarded if the point total is greater than or equal to 400.00 points.
created by 3AM

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